incremental insurgencies

[a patent office for disruptive technology]

technological insurgencies from the outskirts incrementally yet enormously shift the topography of the digital public through provocative engagements with data.

ideas lab

[housing for the near future]

this housing complex is conceived with an eye toward the future, a community based on a culture of inquiry and participation. capitalizing on the recent emergence of the citizen scientist, the ideas lab provides a forum in which to undertake collaborative experiments in living.

critical text

[visual research: the oppositions reader]

this polemic attempts to hold a discussion in the margins of the text, inviting other disciplines into the conversation through a series of reactive terms which are then expanded to loosen the tight strictures of the original articles.

inorganic assemblies

[partner: lindsay cooper]

the lymphatic system acts as a shadow system within the body, just as extensive as the circulatory system yet only making its presence known during periods of illness.

the garden of forking paths

[concurrent mapping of space and time]

"the garden of forking paths" by jorge luis borges is configured in terms of movement through space and time.


[flavor, fragrance, technology]

the perimeter of the city ends abruptly; there is no gradual taper, but a definitive border that separates perimeter from the surrounding territory. however, this border is neither neutral nor arbitrary.

waters of march

[partners: gavet douangvichit, nghi-dung nguyen-phuoc]

a joint venture with urban planning students yields a scheme of interconnected sustainability measures; infrastructure such as a series of water tanks doubles as space for gathering, thus garnering interest for more widespread community improvements through several small pilot projects addressing rainwater diversion and storage, waste collection and recycling, and ground surface permeability.


[partner: joss kiely]

a folded module and wires work in tandem to produce a rigid surface. subtle manipulations of this module result in dramatic enclosures.

culinary institute

[elevated waste]

detroit’s eastern market is a vibrant and well-used space, though the usual waste generated by such endeavors is underutilized.


[horizon dissolution]

occasional atmospheric conditions erase the border between sky and lake, creating a feeling of submersion and weightlessness.