critical text

[visual research: the oppositions reader]

this polemic attempts to hold a discussion in the margins of the text, inviting other disciplines into the conversation through a series of reactive terms which are then expanded to loosen the tight strictures of the original articles.

initial terms

formalism vs. altruism - peter eisenman and colin rowe vs. slime mold:
a champion in communication and self-organization works together for the good of the community

language vs. image - mario gandelsonas vs. frankenstein’s monster:
assembled from fragments, Frankenstein’s monster cannot speak and must navigate the world through gesture and image

self-referential vs. intertextual - peter eisenman vs. alexander mcqueen:
by evoking escher, hitchcock, other periods in fashion, and even his own previous work, mcqueen creates a far-reaching web of references in his designs

typology vs. anomaly - anthony vidler vs. pseudo-science:
phrenology creates identity through a careful study of 

anomalous bumps on the head

resonating frequencies

theoretical grounds
aggregate sampling + collaborative emergence + intertextual confluence