[flavor, fragrance, technology]
the perimeter of the city ends abruptly; there is no gradual taper, but a definitive border that separates perimeter from the surrounding territory. however, this border is neither neutral nor arbitrary.
the edge of the perimeter is highly speculative, as factions stake their claims through subtle infrastructural developments. expansion occurs through replication, but the innovatrium seeks to disrupt the perimeter’s prescriptive nature; it calls into question the assumed growth through a deformation that dissolves the edge condition, increasing gradually as the building moves away from the established perimeter.
the existing perimeter condition bears remnants of its expansion, as some figures create strong pulls. their influence is evident as it creeps to engulf weaker figures, layering and diminishing slightly as it moves out. hybrid spaces emerge at the overlap.
similarly, conversation about flavor and fragrance takes on a layered character; different discussions are framed in a variety of overlapping languages, shifting to accommodate new combinations as the players change. these internal layers provide the opportunity for innovative work through casual conversations framed in multiple languages at a series of figural voids.
these interactions are enhanced by an escalating aggregation of error. small inaccuracies are introduced into the activities of the innovatrium; a highly articulated robot makes a less than precise move, a research assistant puts a bottle of fragrance back in the wrong slot. a minor error is compounded through each series of processes, incrementally deforming into something quite unexpected. the unintentional mistake becomes intentional, a form of innovation.